Wonderland Loft
With the advice of Ad Schaerlaeckens I have acquired my breeding stock birds from the following fanciers: Jos Vam Limpt de Klak, Jos Vercammen, Heremans-Ceusters, & Ad Scaherlaeckens. I also have birds from Comb Verbree & Leo Van Rijn.
van Limpt de Klak: de Klak was voted 2nd
Best Fancier only after the Janssen Brothers, in the West European Country Cup
that was held on the 17th of January 2004 in Dortmund Germany. With the
help of Ad Schaerlaeckens I was able to purchase 5 pairs of 2003 birds from this
Legend of the Pigeon Racing.
Schaerlaeckens: From the Champion himself I
have imported 12 birds so far and about 4-6 more will be coming in the fall of
2004. This is one of the highest concentrations of the Ad Schaerlaeckens
birds in the US. Mr. Schaerlaeckens is responsible for making many
champions all over the world.
Jos Vercammen: Ad Schaerlaeckens believes that
Mr. Vercammen has the best middle distance birds in Belgium. So in 2003 I
imported one pair from this loft. In the fall of 2004 two more pairs will
be imported.
Heremans-Ceusters: Heremans-Ceusters took 1st place in short distance in the individual classification n the West European Country Cup that was held on the 17th of January 2004 in Dortmund Germany. Quick orientation is one of the most important qualities of a racing pigeon.
v. Rijn:
Site Created & Owned By : Elton Dinga