Many years at the top leads to Olympic fame for Verbree partnership, Putten (The Netherlands)
There will probably be no other fancier in The Netherlands that raced on such a high level for so many years as the Verbree partnership. Their super collection of birds, from which the majority is based on De Klak blood, keeps on winning big. On the last two Olympiads, three of their birds defended the colours of the Dutch flag. Their international breakthrough was a fact. Co and Piet are two fanciers on which superlatives run in short . . .
Trying to summarise the list of championships for this partnership over the last years is impossible, so dominantly they have raced in the middle of The Netherlands. Championships in amalgamation (2,800 members), best fancier of The Netherlands, Olympiad birds, National acebirds . . . the list is just too long. As a journey is made through the pigeonworld of the Verbree partnership, the most important achievements will be presented, get ready to become astonished by so many success . . .
All these years of so many top performances made the name Verbee a household
word in pigeonracing. They are generally considered as one of the best of their
generation and with three birds representing your country on two Olympiads, this
statement is surely justified!! For sure, we have not heard the last of this
partnership yet, as they treasure their top lines very carefully. True champions
who will stand the teeth of time!
Orlando |
Results NL97-5774230 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One of the best pigeons in Dutch pigeon racing history.
'Tonia' |
Results NL97-2524497 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd best racing hen of The Netherlands
I am breeding from:
Jumbo NL-00-5020775
Father NL-90-2942469 is the nest mate brother "Oude 70", grandfather of all the best .
Mother is Tonia full sister of Olimpic Orlando, Olimpic Zigo etc
Jumbo's race results are:
Morlincourt 350 km. 6e - 3817 p.
Valenciennes 262 km. 1e - 353 p.
Morlincourt 350 km. 3e - 1009 p.
Etampes 491 km. 10e - 3184p.
Pnt. St. Max. 392 km. 4e - 211p.
Stroombek 175km. 22e. - 8875p
He is mated to a daughter of NL-90-2942470 which is the grandfather to Tonia & Olimpic Orlando, Zigo; therefore half sister to their sire.
The birds from this mating are $300.
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