Wonderland Loft

" Your Winning Pigeon Source "


Hok Jos Vercammen


"de Panter"

1st Bouges, 127 p. (479 km) 
3rd Bourges 131 p. (479km 
4th Orleans 482 p. (418 km)

18th Bourges 1,424 p. (479 km) 
48th Bouges, 7,927 p. (479 km) 

“Panter” is a son of “Zoon Panter”(B85-4271476) x “Kadetduivin”. He is a grandson of famous “Zwarte Panter”(B81-3137982), a bird from Theo Gilbert Zulte. “Panter” is thé basic-pigeon of the Vercammen loft. As a racing pigeon, he won a first prize from Bourges but as a breeder, he was even better! His offsprings are incredible. A lot of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren,… are doing it great at the Vercammen loft but…. also on other lofts. In almost every pedigree, you will find at least one time “Panter”.


The Jos Vercammen loft has had a meteoric rise to the firmament of international pigeon racing. One top result has followed another, but, what is also of great importance, numerous fanciers throughout the world had National and International successes with the Vercammen pigeons.

His old strain crossed with some new blood-lines has created a type of pigeon that performs as a young bird and as an old bird.

Neither the weather nor the distance are relevant for the Vercammen birds, as it seems.
Racing old birds, yearlings or young birds?
Racing from 100 kilometres or 700?
Racing in bad weather, in hard weather or under easy circumstances?
Racing hens or cocks?
It does not make any difference to him or rather his birds. He is always the man to be beaten.

The Vercammen loft is based on birds of superior origin, therefore such a high percentage of top-class pigeons are born at Vremde.

Vercammen pigeons crossed with yours?

It is almost a guarantee of success !

I am breeding from 20 Vercammen birds, among them, a Son of Panter, foundation Cock of the loft and children & grandchildren of some of his best breeders such as Vanessa, Raul, Sampras, Otello, Amber, Hope, Tessa, Christo, Robin, Iron Lady, Yasmine, Kleine Panter, Petra etc.

My best racer from Vercammen birds was my AU-06-Texas-3568 at Ohio Breeders Classic.  This bird was 1st Champion bird for the first 4 races 150, 200, 250, 150 miles and then did not come home in a hard final 323 miles race.  This bird was from 04-Belg-6058482, a grandson of Kleine Panter X Sister Yasmine and Robin X Vuil Blauw (mother Agassi).  The mother was a daughter of 98-NL-1326845, the famous Beauty II from Ad Schaerlaeckens, mother of the famous Alessandro of Verkerk.

The 6th Champion bird in the same race was Iron Girl, AU-06-Texas-3598, a 100% Vercammen pigeon from 04-Belg-6058430, grandson Sven and Iron Lady and Sproet X Yasmine.  Her mother is 04-Belg-6470600, a half sister of Beauty 05-Belg-6234009, 2nd National Argenton, 350 miles 21,299 pigeons, 2nd fastest 30,045 p !!!  

For more info on the Hok Jos Vercammen pigeons feel free to visit his website and contact me.

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